Interview Anxiety: Here Is How To Defeat It

It is quite natural to feel nervous, anxious and panic before and during an interview, which actually signals that you are passionate about it and want to succeed.

However, too much anxiousness can cause you underperforming which is definitely not going to bring any good to you. Don’t worry, we have got your back!

Here are some tips that can help you handle pre-interview anxiety.

  • Anxiety causes you to be more self-centered, so try focusing on others as well. Engage with others, pay attention when someone tells you their name, and smile.
  • Breath in and out for a minute or two, because your breath shallow when anxious. Before the interview try taking a few minutes to sit and breathe calmly. Besides, you can also practice some breathing exercises.
  • Always question your thoughts. Ask yourself “Is this true?” Just because you feel it doesn’t make it true. So try changing your thinking to change your mind.
  • Never force yourself to calm down as it would only cause you more stress.
  • Write down your thoughts by making a list of it. Writing is one of the effective way to reduce anxiety.
  • It is hard to breathe when you’re stressed. So take a breath and let it out like a sigh to make yourself calm.
  • Focus on Wisdom, Strength and Warmth. Repeat them to yourself while you breath. Never say anything to yourself which you wouldn’t say to a good friend.
  • Try the superhero posture with standing tall and placing your hands on your hips with your elbows jutting out, like you’re standing on top of the world and observing everything in your domain.
  • You can’t always control or predict what you’ll be asked by the interviewer, but you can always prepare for it. Research on the organization and try practicing responses to common interview questions beforehand to enhance your confidence.
  • Take care of your diet, especially on what you eat or drink prior to an interview. It is recommended to avoid caffeine, alcoholic drinks and heavy meals before an interview.