How is Screen Time Affecting You?

Dinner Time, Lunch Time, Movie Time and Play Time have long descended into the past. The new era of importance is Screen Time. Screen Time refers to the accumulation of hours we spend in front of any screen—whether it’s television, mobile phones, iPads, tablets, or any other electronic gadget. This screen time affects all aspects of our lives—from work and our eyes to our mental health and sleep.

Many mothers nowadays are often seen giving their toddler kids their mobile phones. This creates a habit in the kids—they become attached to the phone and dependent on it for eating or sleeping. The kids who used to need to be chased around the house just to get them to take a bite now sit down in front of YouTube and eat. This hampers their growth and people need to be made aware of this issue.

The youth of today are probably the most affected by high screen time. They spend a lot of their time on platforms like social media or OTT. This time could be used more productively.

Working individuals experience greater screen time due to their jobs and often end up using the same devices for relaxation instead of engaging in physical activity.

So far, we’ve discussed how screen time affects you mentally, but its physical effects are even more significant. Your eyes, for example, are primarily affected. The rays emitted from various electronic gadgets can be quite harmful, to the extent that there’s a substantial risk of losing perfect vision at an early age. Additionally, high screen time can lead to issues such as high blood pressure, obesity and various other diseases.