India Bans Single Cigarettes: Reduces Tobacco Consumption

The government might soon impose a ban on the sale of single cigarettes to its customers. According to reports, the Standing Committee of Parliament recommended banning the selling of loose cigarettes to curb the use of tobacco products.

On this ban, the committee argued that the sale of single cigarettes is affecting the tobacco control campaign. Along with the single-sale ban, the committee also suggested removing smoking zone from all airports in the country.

If the government decides to act on the recommendation, it may soon ban the sale and manufacture of single cigarettes. Additionally, it suggested that the government should work on making tobacco products expensive by increasing taxes on them.

In a recent development, the Standing Committee of Parliament on Health and Family Welfare has delegated that the government should impose a 75% Goods and Services Tax (GST) on tobacco products.

Moreover, the committee also suggested a ban on E-cigarettes and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) as they may be misused by children and non-smokers.

As per the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the government of India may implement a 75% GST on all tobacco products.

The committee observed that many traders are selling single cigarettes to minors and there should be a complete ban on such sales.