Wardrobe Organizing: Quick Tips and Tricks!

It is a very common behavior among people that every morning we have the same question:

“What do I wear today? Oh I don’t any clothes”

Well, finding clothes does seem like a problem if you have a dysfunctional wardrobe. So here are some tricks to organize your wardrobe and save yourself the everyday task of staring at your wardrobe as if it were an alien.

Start by taking out clothes by the shelf:

If you try to organize your whole cupboard together, and in the same spirit take out all your clothes, chances are that you won’t be able to organize them. So start small, start shelf by shelf. clean out one shelf, differentiate the types of clothes into separate columns, and then as and when you have cleaned all the shelves, put them all together type-wise.


All the clothes and items in your wardrobe that you don’t use or wear anymore, or don’t fit you, or don’t like, donate to the less fortunate. this way you get goodwill and space for more.

Treat yourself during work:

While you’re cleaning out and organizing, keep giving yourself nice gifts to make the process more enjoyable- eat chocolates, put on some music, talk to a friend, anything that makes you feel happy.