5 Simple Ideas To Lead A Stress Free Life

In the present times, stress along with anxiety has become more common issues. Work pressures, Peer pressures, family issues etc. add to daily stress. It is important to understand that Stress isn’t a mental health disorder. A quite alterations in the life style and circumstances and perspective towards life can change the way you deal the stress.

In this article, we are sharing you 7 simple ideas to lead a stress free life.


1.Involve in physical activities :

A sedentary life style or work from home pattern has become more and more common with time and this has become one factor of stress. According to a study, long term inactivity, sedentary life style adds to stressful life and at times can lead to depression. Incorporating workout, exercises or activities that you feel connected to can help relive stress. Make it a point to take a walk in fresh air.


2.A healthy diet :

Diet frames an important aspect when it comes to health including mental health. Eating processed foods, unhealthy diet patterns low in nutrients can impact health in many ways. Switching to healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and diet filled with nutrients can help you be resilient to stress.


3.Maintaining a screen time:


These days most of us are hooked to Smartphones, computers or smart tv’s that has made our lives easy. But did you know , it impacts your health especially on your mental health .Recent studies suggest that more the usage of these devices more the stress and mental disorders in turn decreasing your psychological well being. Maintain a screen time and make sure you avoid using your devices before you go to bed.



4.Practice self care

Self care practice has become most important in these hustles and bustles of life. While you time yourself to work, do tasks etc. make sure to have a “Me Time” which includes:

  • Taking a walk
  • Reading a good book
  • Practicing yoga
  • Take time to practice a hobby you cherish

Engaging yourself in activities you enjoy reduces stress as well improves the quality of life.


5.Spend time with family and friends more:

Having a true physical support helps you outgrow in tough times. Make time to spend with people rather than with devices .This not just helps boost your self esteem but also improves your well being. Stress is an un avoidable part of life. But with simple practices and life style changes one can surely cope stress and lead a happy life.