COVID-19 had adverse affect on mental health: Here’s how!

The COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most significant global catastrophes in centuries, has had significant and far-reaching effects on health systems, economics, and civilizations. Numerous people have perished or lost their jobs. Communities and families have become strained and fractured. Young people have been denied the opportunity to learn and interact with others. Companies have filed for bankruptcy. Millions of individuals are now living in poverty.

The mental health of people has been significantly impacted as a result of these health, social, and economic effects. Many of us experienced increased anxiety, but for some COVID-19 has precipitated or exacerbated much more severe mental health issues. Many people have expressed psychological suffering as well as signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, or despair.

Mental health services have been severely disrupted while mental health needs have increased. Early in the epidemic, when personnel and infrastructure were frequently redeployed to COVID-19 relief, this was particularly true. Social restrictions at the time also made it difficult for people to receive care. And in many instances, lack of information and disinformation about the virus fueled people’s anxieties and worries, preventing them from getting medical attention.

Let’s look into the 2 major effect of mental health due to COVID-19:

Job Loss:

Job loss is linked to higher levels of sadness, anxiety, distress, and low self-esteem, according to research from previous economic downturns. It may also increase the risk of substance use disorder and suicide.

Adults in households who lost jobs or decreased earnings during the pandemic report higher rates of mental illness symptoms than households without lost jobs or incomes (53% vs. 32%).

Impact on Patients:

Additional study is needed in this area. The effects of COVID-19 infection on mental health are not yet the subject of empirical research. Lessons learned from prior pandemic events, however, suggest that there may be a chance for COVID-19 individuals who recover to experience PTSD or depression symptoms.

7 Personal characteristics including resilience, the availability and caliber of social support, and the patient’s own concerns about the disease and recovery are likely to modify this.