Worthy Titles to Tame the Mind

We’ve all come across the adage, “Pen is mightier than the sword”, but the saying hasn’t been without its share of sceptics. How come a small teeny-weeny piece of plastic or steel matches the sharp edges of a mighty sword? From times immemorial, the shining blades of the sword have changed the courses of empires and the fortunes of men!


Nothing disputable in these observations. But then the renaissance commenced when brave men took to pen their revolutionary and path-breaking ideas and views, much against the contemporary flow of thoughts, often putting their lives at stake. The role of books in opening our minds is incontestable. There are, but few books which apart from leaving a lasting impression, play a significant role in changing the way we live and look at life altogether.


Let’s check a few of those books reputed to have changed the life of many and created a lot of buzz for the kind of positive impact they had in recent times.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People


Written by Stephen R. Covey, it discusses the idea of paradigm shifts and perceptions. It mentions seven habits throughout the book as the foundation for change. Compiling best leadership habits into a single volume, apart from discussing attitude, Covey urges the reader to adopt new strategies for time management, productivity, and positive thinking.


Thinking Fast and Slow


Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow delves into psychology to help us comprehend the puzzle of how we make judgments. Beginning by dividing our mental process into two systems, he describes how each system affects how we make decisions.


Think And Grow Rich


When Napoleon Hill talks about riches, he’s not talking about material wealth; he’s also talking about the spiritual, physical, and mental components of riches.


A must-read for those who want to start their own business. Besides 5 major areas that affect thinking, he also explains 13 steps to think and grow rich.


The Magic of Believing


Here, author Claude Bristol is attempting to convey to readers the importance of faith. By the use of facts and examples, Bristol says that if you put your mind to anything, you can do anything. Having self-confidence enables you to alter your perspective and cultivate a success-oriented mentality.


A Man Thinketh – James Allen


James Allen’s work “As a Man Thinketh” is based on the idea that one’s thoughts can influence how they turn out in the world. According to the book, if you alter your thinking, you will alter your behavior, and if you alter your behavior, you will alter your character.


The Power Of Habit


In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg makes the case that 40% of our everyday activities are the result of habits we develop. For the book, he collaborated with neurological specialists and carried out tests where participants gave up many harmful behaviors and were observed to see if their brain activity altered as a result to support this theory.


Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience


Your best experiences, according to the author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, are when you are working hard to accomplish your personal goals. Challenging your way of thinking about experiences is the goal of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. The book elaborates on those ideas and demonstrates how we may use flow to improve our lives and do great things.