The Rage Room: Vent your frustration

His experience with banking has been fairly varied; from serving retail customers at the branch level to overseeing marketing programs as an executive manager at a banking institution. This experience gave Suraj the insight to set up his venture. “I always wanted to help people and build something successful for myself.

“The Rage Room is my way of contributing to society by helping out people struggling with anger management issues. Our vision is to be a positive outlet for people to express their frustrations through creative outlets. When creating the Rage Room, Suraj consulted experts in art therapy.

They advised him to feature objects that people could identify with and customize, such as punching bags, paint bombs, and even hammers to hit various targets on the walls of the studio. Suraj even hired a full-time counselor to offer therapeutic advice to clients.

The Rage Room offers a range of services to help clients deal with the emotions they are experiencing. Clients can choose between group and individual sessions, as well as fitness training and workshops for children and teens. For clients who need support long-term, Suraj also offers mindfulness classes to help them better manage their emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

They are providing different packages called:

Solo Mode: 800/-

Quickie: 1300/-

Rough Day: 1500/-

Rage Mode: 2,800/-

Dm to @therageroomhyd to book your slots.

Location: Ayyappa Society, VIP Hills, Silicon Valley, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081