Verdant Green in Jack Frost’s wake

Certain plants can not only survive the harsh winter weather but also alter and brighten a place. It is recommended to place the plants in a well-lit area during the winter. To avoid draughts during winter, it is advisable to keep them away from windows and doorways.


Let’s take a look at some of the best winter plants available:


Aloe Vera:

Scientific name: Aloe vera

A fantastic plant to keep inside throughout the winter as it needs indirect sunshine and a warm temperature besides a weekly-once watering. Used in making a variety of packs for stunning skin and hair use, its fresh juice is said to be good for fitness.


Snake Plant:

Scientific name: Dracaena trifasciata

Among the best plants for the winter, the snake plant is hassle-free and needs a small amount of water and sunlight. This plant helps in converting carbon dioxide to oxygen during the night.



Scientific name: Cactaceae

Cactus are drought- and water-resistant plants that need a lot of diffuse sunshine to thrive. It stores both water and nutrients and loves soaking up the sun. Cactus look great grouped under a window.


Moth Orchids:

Scientific name: Phalaenopsis

It needs little water and low light. Its name “moth orchid” comes from the blossom of this plant, which resembles the now-extinct moth Phalaena. They are among the greatest plants for the winter because of their vibrant colours.


Zebra Plant:

Scientific name: Aphelandra squarrosa

It can be kept in the bathroom because of its need for high humidity. The zebra plant enjoys filtered light. But avoid overwatering to keep it safe.


Peace Lily:

Scientific name: Spathiphyllum

A peace lily is ideal for winter. It doesn’t need too much brightness and weekly once watering is good enough. According to Feng Shui experts, peace lilies balance the energy at home and end any conflict.


Spider Plant:

Scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum

Also known as “aeroplane plant,” “St. Bernard’s lily”, “ribbon plant”, “hen and chickens”, and “spider ivy”, spider plants are common houseplants that boost oxygen in the air. It needs occasional watering and indirect sunlight. It can also be placed in the bathroom to receive humidity.


Rubber Tree

Scientific name: Ficus elastica

Reaching a height of 2.5 metres, this low-maintenance house plant thrives under moderate to bright illumination and 15 to 26-degree ambient temps. Ensure the soil around the plant is allowed to dry out between waterings.


Corn Plant

Scientific name: Dracaena fragrans

Corn plants should be kept away from the sun and wind so that their leaves don’t get burned. Ensure that the pot has a drain hole. The plant shouldn’t be left in water.


Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Scientific name: Ficus lyrata

Suitable for temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees, it can do with bright to medium light exposure. Between waterings, the soil’s surface dries out; hence the plant should be moved to a less-lit location if it appears bleached.